Monday, October 1, 2007

Finding Forever

I certainly did not plan on posting again so soon. I wanted to average one Sybarite activity a month. Tonight I attended the Q-tip & Common concert at the Tabernacle. The concert was LIVE. I love hip hop. Actually, I like certain musicians in hip-hop with Common being in my top two. Can you name my number 1?

Common came on at 10 pm prompt. I respect an entertainer who understands that it is a Monday night and his demographic has to be in bed... You could tell who had an 8 am meeting the next day and who didn't. Any wagers as to which camp I am in? A good time was had by all with the concert concluding before midnight. I was waiting for the encore and the afterparty but my companion had to be at work early in the morning. Like all good hip hop concerts, I came home smelling like the elements: sweat, weed and likka. Hopefully, it will dissipate before my 2:30 pm meeting.

Someone gave me an idea for a sybarite activity. I'll do some research and see if it's feasible. All I can say as a hint: Sunrise, Champagne and Cityviews. Details to come...

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